Saturday, January 21, 2012

(As you can see, it will take a bit for me to get comfortable with typing on this blog, so bear with me, eh?) 

Occasionally, I read from a book called "God Calling".  Here's an interesting note:

 Our Lord and Our God.  Help us through poverty and plenty. Through unrest and rest, through sorrow and joy, through weakness and power.

I am your Helper. At the end of your present path lie blessings.  So trust and know that I am leading you.

Step with a firm step of confidence in Me into each unknown day.  Take every duty and every interruption as of My appointment.  

You are my servant.  Serve Me as simply, cheerfully, and readily as you expect others to serve you.

Do you blame the servant who avoids extra work, who complains about being called from one task to do one less liked?  Do you feel you are ill served by such a one?

Then what of Me?  Is not that how you so often serve Me?  Think of this.  Lay it to heart and view your days' work in this light.

Press on, dearheart!



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